
The Kingdom of Loathing
b l o g

blogging the Kingdom since martinus 5th
Yes, I pay for leads and gossip tidbits. Msg me in-game, #33932, or on the forums. As always, it's off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush Kingdom of Loathing
Official KOL Forums
History of Loathing
Radio KOL
KOL Player Pics
KOL wiki
Warehouse 23
KOL Community Journal
Recipes and item info
Coldfront KoL
Kol Trance
KOL Shots
Jacka18l's Kingdom
What's a WANG?

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Monday, October 18, 2004

Sweet, the forums are on a new server. Thanks Jick!

In addition to the game itself and my ever-growing list of ideas for it, I'm also working on amping up the documentation as well as compiling an extensive history of the Kingdom. Tedious work, but interesting.

[posted by trog dor @ 1:00 AM ]