
The Kingdom of Loathing
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blogging the Kingdom since martinus 5th
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Friday, November 12, 2004

Lots of news, the biggest being Jick joining Warehouse 23. He's wanted to for a while so we're all pretty happy he finally did. And it only took 3 hours for it to hit the forums. We're working on some cool projects so I'm excited.

Nikatoni released Coldfront Marketplace, a fantastic tool that's long overdue. Huge thanks to Coldfront and Jick for this.

Lastly, the Jick/Skully show was tonight - I could only catch the first 15 minutes or so but I'm working on getting a hold of the mp3 and I'll hook you guys up once I do.

A fun photo for everyone: the KoL office at Jick's.

[posted by trog dor @ 12:18 AM ]