
The Kingdom of Loathing
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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

People invariably forget underscores, but in Bete Noire's case she owns Bete as well - leading to some great PM's. Here's a random collection of quotes she put together to create the poem of the century:

Noire Part 1

Noire I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do this but thank you very much for that defense
noire look whats your problem?
noire y is the radio has lots of cussin
noire i wasnt asking 4 any
noire yes please
Noire ok ill calm myself ur the nice 1 neways
noire still new
Noire See ya later Babe i Am off to go adventuring or jut sitting listening to my friends band...
Noire he told me that his band...killed someone once. ??
Noire ok sorry bout that

[posted by trog dor @ 10:58 PM ]