
The Kingdom of Loathing
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Sunday, January 02, 2005

I can't believe these rumors won't die. Let me, for the last time, definitively and authoritatively state:

1. You cannot kill, maim, or otherwise harm the Hermit.
2. The Lounge channel exists and there is no quest to do or item to collect to get in there.

Also, re: Contrickster's Top 13 Clans list... Alliance from Hell is the most over-rated clan out there - and always has been. I'm even breaking with Chubbles on their historical importance. I'm talking about them as a clan, not as individuals so please don't msg me with "omg I wuz in AFH and I rock, right?!!"

*SPOILER* Since it's been spoiled on the forums multiple times already I'll dump it here as well: the Spooky Hockey Mask is a dream drop - you get it by resting at your campsite. Congrats to Esjay on getting his item implemented! :)

Lastly, for those who keep asking for this feature - word on the clothesline says soon we'll have a way to show off our rares or favorite items, a display case or pedestal of sorts. We'll see how it comes out.

[posted by trog dor @ 11:27 PM ]